I just found a great article about endometriosis and other gyn disorders. The article is linked below, no need to reinvent the wheel. I suffered with endometriosis back in the day and ended up having a hysterectomy. If only I would have known then, what I know now... I remember the pain, the suffering and being so fed up I couldn't stand it any longer. I really encourage you to read this article if you are suffering. I have done parasite cleanses, they can be tricky but when done under the supervision of a Naturopathic Doctor, they are quite effective. Some people don't notice any symptoms at all, like my husband. Me on the other hand am such a sensitive flower to anything new I do, I had to go really slow. I can already see the eye rolls happening if you aren't familiar with how common parasite infections are, like everyone has them. Yes, that means you. They can cause such destruction in your body, you wouldn't believe it. I can muscle test you for parasites and I work with 2 amazing ND's to refer you to, if we find you are positive. Whether or not it’s parasites, these ladies can look for a solution to help. If you have any questions at all, please reach out and start your healing. You were made to live your life in the world, not at home on the couch suffering. Be well.
Verse of the Day: But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 1 Peter 4:13
Karen Scarberry, LEHP, BCNWP
Wellness 129, LLC
April 13, 2024